Speaking of wow.......
Here is your workout of the week:
This workout requires no equipment and minimal space.
After warming up for 5 minutes (light jog, bicycle, calisthenics) perform 20 reps each of the following. Rest and repeat.
20 push ups
20 full burpees (squat thrust but when you kick your feet back into plank lay all the way down on the ground then push up, hop in and hop up)
20 plank/rows (hold yourself in full plank and alternate pulling one elbow back)
20 jacks
20 flying jacks
20 tricep push ups
20 squat thrusts
20 squat hops (touch both hands to the floor between your feet and then hop up reaching for the ceiling)
20 scissor kicks (for abs)
20 tuck jumps
There are 200 reps. Try to complete the above in 15 minutes. Rest 3-5 minutes and then repeat everything.
Have fun!