Wednesday, April 17, 2013

One Week Behind

As the title of this post says I am a week behind so the Emerald Cup is out.  I might be able to catch up but it's too much of a risk, especially for a show that big.  Also deadline to register is tomorrow and I don't want to lose my 100 bucks.

If I lose weight any faster I will sacrifice muscle.  That's what I did last time and I swore not to do it again.  I am on track again meaning I've got my stress under control. My daughter has been released to return to gymnastics so her recovery is moving right along.  There are a couple shows coming up that I could enter as well.  One is the Oregon Ironman on May 18th which is plenty of time.  The only trouble is that it is in Lincoln City, Oregon.  A beautiful town on the Oregon coast but a 5+ hour drive from Seattle.  The next one close to Seattle is June 22nd which is better then next fall but will also be a serious balancing act since it's too soon to relax my competition prep but too far to go hard.  Deadline to register for the Oregon Ironman is May 18th so I have a couple of weeks to decide.  It may make a good little family vacation.

The other thing is I have a photo session coming up on May 24th.  I need new physique shots for my website and marketing purposes.  The Oregon Ironman would be perfectly timed for that but again, it's quite a drive just to compete.

So I'll continue as if I am going to do the Ironman because of the photo shoot.  I still have time to think about what I am going to do as far as actually competing.

Here's my nutrition count for one day.  This is a lower calorie day for me.  I usually hover around 1,500.

6 ounces tuna
Lite mayo
Red bell pepper

8 ounces ground beef
Mixed greens
.5 red bell pepper
Oil and vinegar

.5 cups almonds


Saturday, April 6, 2013

High Protein/High Fat

I have about four weeks before the competition and to bump myself off a plateau I went back to the high protein/high fat diet that really worked for me twenty years ago.  I did it for about a week and it bumped me down a few pounds.  The higher fat diets do not work for everyone.  If you don't know what works for you then I suggest that you try three different diets, doing each one for a week and see how you feel and if you lose any fat.  The first diet to try is the high protein/modified carb diet, which was the first one I did this time around so you can check back a couple posts to see what that consists of.  The second one is lean protein/low carb and that is your typical protein and veggie diet, with maybe some oatmeal added in the morning.  The third one to try is high protein/high fat.  This is what a typical day looks like on that kind of diet:

1.5 scoops whey protein
2 tablespoons peanut butter

1.5 cans of tuna mixed with 2 tablespoons mayo
Large green salad with 2 tablespoons oil and vinegar dressing*
.5 cups nuts

8 ounces of steak
7-8 brussel sprouts* tossed in olive oil and roasted

8 ounces chicken (either white or dark)
.5 cups nuts
1 cup stir fried cabbage*

8 ounces grilled fish
Large green salad with 2 tablespoons oil and vinegar dressing*
.5 cups nuts

* you can eat as much green veggies as you want.

Again, the best way to find out what works for you is to experiment.  Don't be afraid of eating more fat.  Fat doesn't make you fat, sugar and refined carbohydrates do.  They fatten cows quickly by feeding them high glucose foods, not by feeding them fat.