You'll need a treadmill (or access to the outdoors fairly quickly). You'll also need one dumbbell.
Warm up on the treadmill for 5 minutes.
Pick up dumbbell and perform a squat, touching dumbbell to the ground and as you come up perform a shoulder press. Repeat X20.
Hop on treadmill and run for 2 minutes as fast you can.
Perform a walking lunge and as you step press the dumbbell over head (shoulder press) for 15 reps. Repeat with other arm.
Repeat treadmill run.
Perform a squat and as you squat reach the dumbbell toward your shoelaces. As you come up out of the squat swing the dumbbell up to the far corner of the room. I usually cue this as 'pick it up and put it away'. Perform 20 per side.
Repeat treadmill run.
Perform Turkish Get Ups for 10 each side. Look at the photo above if you don't know what these are. You can use a dumbbell or kettlebell.
Repeat everything one more time through then jog on the treadmill for 3-5 minutes.
Perform jack knives for abs 3 sets of 10/side. Lay flat on your back with one foot on the floor and the other leg straight. Arms should be over your head. Swing up touching your foot at the top. Hold for a split second and then roll down.
Stretch hamstrings, back and chest.