Here's the workout of the week:
Warm up by doing some NON-weighted walking lunges and squats.
Grab some 15lb dumbbells and head to a weight bench (or chair, if your at home). Perform step-ups, 15 a side (do all 15 with the right leg leading and then all 15 with the left leg leading). Put one dumbbell down, hold the other one at your chest. With feet about hip width apart touch your butt to the bench and then hop up out of the squat (do not sit down, just barely touch). Repeat the jumps squats 15 times. Repeat all of the above for a total of three cycles.
Hold one of the 15lb dumbbells over your head and take a giant step forward on your right foot, stepping into a stable stance lunge (you won't move your feet). Perform 15 lunges with the weight over your head, straight arms, weight high. Repeat on the other side. Immediately following return to the bench and put your weight aside. Place your right foot on top of the bench. Push off with your left foot as you pull yourself up with your right, performing a single leg hop up onto the bench. Leave your right foot on the bench and return the left to the floor. Repeat 15 times per side. Repeat both of the above drills, back to back, for three cycles.
Continue to hold the 15lb dumbbells (you may need to drop the weight for this one). With feet hip distance apart perform a squat as you perform a bicep curl - repeat that for two reps and then raise up onto your toes (calf raise) performing a shoulder press at the same time. Repeat the sequence for 15. Keep the weights in your hands and perform squat thrusts
with the weights in your hands, jumping out of each one. Repeat 15 times and then repeat above sequence for three cycles.
Take one of the dumbbells over your head. In a wide stance perform an overhead triceps extension. Repeat for 15 (yes, again with the 15). Put the weight down and immediately perform 20 jump squat with your feet very wide and with one hand touching the floor as you squat down and then reaching for the ceiling when you jump out of the squat. Yes, repeat all for three cycles.
Alternate push-ups and pull-ups, 15-20 each, for three cycles. For abs perform a very slow bicycle for 20 repetitions and repeat two more times (this is an old-school bicycle, twisting right and left).
*In between each of the above super-sets (ie; step-ups followed by hops up onto the bench), rest for 1 minute*Immediately after all of the above go to the treadmill. Spend the first 3 minutes finding a comfortable running (approx. 5.0-6.0) or challenging walking pace (approx. 4.0-4.8). Take the treadmill to a 10% incline and hold your pace for one minute. Bring treadmill back to 0% incline for one minute. Repeat the 10%/60 seconds, 0%/60 seconds rotation for a total of 10 cycles. Stay at 0% incline and slow to an easy walk. For the last minute slow the treadmill to 1.o and slowly walk backwards, hold onto the treadmills side railings.
Spend 5-10 minutes stretching hamstrings, quads, calves, chest and back.