As I am heading out to a holiday party I realized that I haven't shared some of my staying lean tips with you! So here they are:
#1 Don't throw all your progress away just because you ate a little too much at a party or dinner!! A lot of people just say 'screw it' and go back to terrible eating habits for the entire month of holiday activities. They often stop going to the gym as well. Why?! Exercise eliviates stress (mother-in-laws anyone?), helps you sleep better and will help control depression which is often felt around this time of year. Why do your think there are so many New Years resolutions involving weight loss? I bet it has a lot to do with the guilt people feel for throwing it all out the window between Thanksgiving and New Years.
#2 Pick three events and eat, drink and be merry! Don't worry about what your eating and drinking. Enjoy yourself and your friends and family. Don't think about low-fat or low-carb or low-anything. It might be your company blow-out party of the year. It might have been Thanksgiving dinner. It might be New Years Eve. Choose three and have some fun!
#3 Set realistic goals when it comes to working out. Don't expect to have as much time to go to the gym as your normally do. Plan to go three times a week for 30-45 minutes and get your butt there! Once your there I bet you'll stay a little longer and I know you'll feel a lot better.
#4 Finally, if your pants feel tighter the day after one of your parties don't yell at yourself! I can almost guarantee that what you feel is a little water weight gain. It takes a lot of extra calories to gain a pound of fat. You can't gain 3 pounds overnight! If the scale says you did, it's water that you are holding, not fat. Eat clean throughout the day, drink a lot of water and go to the gym. Your pants will fit better and you'll be a lot happier.
Now go out and enjoy this time of year it's made for good cheer, not regrets!
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