I know. You've heard it a million times. Drink more water. Drink 8 glasses a day. Replace other fluids with water. Blah, blah, blah.
I don't really care if you are sick of hearing it, you need to drink more water. Period. Essentially, water is about as much of a cure-all as is exercise. Dehydration is the NUMBER ONE cause of fatigue. So if your energy is low, drink more water. Don't drink more energy drinks. Your body does not need more sugar and caffeine, trust me.
Here are other symptoms of MINOR dehydration or, simply not drinking enough water:
Extra body weight. People tend to confuse thirst for hunger and eat instead of drink.
Constipation. Without enough fluid you can't get the toxic stuff out of your body.
Low and high blood pressure. Without water blood volume is insufficient to fill all your arteries, veins and capillaries.
Problems with respiratory system. Without enough moisture your mucous membranes cannot filter out the bad stuff from the air you inhale.
High cholesterol. When you cells lose too much moisture your body tries to stop the loss by producing cholesterol.
Headaches and dizziness. Lack of water constricts the blood vessels impeding blood flow to the brain. This also makes blood more likely to pool in your lower extremities and that can cause dizziness and fainting.
The general rule is that you need to drink enough water that your pee should be almost clear or a very pale yellow.
I know it's a pain in the ass but buy a couple cool stainless steel or aluminum water bottles. Fill them up in the morning and vow to finish BOTH of them by the time you leave work. Fill one up again and drink it before you go to bed. If they are 24 oz bottles then that will get you just about enough of what you need. Any other water you happen to drink will just be a bonus. Pop, juice, coffee, tea, wine, beer, etc. Those do not count. If you choose to flavor your water with any lo-cal drink mix that's fine for one of your daily bottles. Your kidneys process flavored water differently then they do regular water. You need to drink plain water. Learn to love it. Don't complain to me that it's boring or that you hate the taste. Water has no taste. Deal with it. You know the benefits of exercise and the reasons you have to get uncomfortable in order to meet your goals. Apply those principles here and just like exercise, drinking water will be a habit.
When I leave the house it's keys, phone and water bottle. If I don't have one of those things with me I don't go anywhere.
PS - Here is a good trick to get yourself to drink more water, if you use it wisely. Take small bites off of a nutrition bar throughout the day. Those bars always make you want to drink water so if you snack on ONE bar throughout the day and drink water after every little bite you will probably drink your daily allotment without even realizing it. Uh, just don't eat bar after bar. One will suffice.
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