For this workout I suggest a set of 10-15lb dumbbells. You may want to bring two sets over to your workout area. The arm sequence is pretty fatiguing and you definitely do not want to sacrifice form in order to get every singe repetition completed. Choose wisely.
Hop on a treadmill. Run or walk at a comfortable pace for three minutes. Crank the incline to the highest setting and continue to walk or run for one minute. Drop the incline to 0% and continue your walk/run for one more minute.
Get into push up position. Execute a push up and then pick up your dumbbell and perform a row, that counts as one rep. Alt push up and row until you have complete 10 total repetitions.
Stay on the floor and return to push up position with your dumbbell out of the way. Hop in and back with both feet for 20 repetitions. It looks like your hopping into a pike position and then back into a plank, back and forth until you reach 20 reps.
Repeat both drills back to back two more times through without stopping.
Return to treadmill and repeat above.
Pick up one dumbbell. Start with feet together and weight in your left hand. Step out to your right (laterally) and place the dumbbell down by your right foot making sure to keep your left leg straight. Step back in leaving the dumbbell on the floor. Now step out and pick up the dumbbell again returning to the start position. Continue until you have completed 10 reps on each leg, each time you step out counts as one repetition. You execute all 10 reps on one side before switching.
Set the dumbbell down on the floor and stand next to it. Keeping your feet together hop over the dumbbell and back (like your slaloming). Over and back is one rep. Complete a total of 20 reps.
Repeat both drills back to back two more times through without stopping.
Return to treadmill and repeat above.
Pick up dumbbells. Hold dumbbells by your sides, palms forward. Keeping your elbows by your sides, lift both weights until your forearms are parallel to the floor. Then, extend your arms straight out in front of you (as though your were serving a platter). Return your arms to the bent position, then extend them overhead while rotating your wrists so your palms end up facing forward. Slowly return to the starting position. Complete 10 reps.
Perform 10 squat thrusts with dumbbells in your hands. A squat thrust with weights: start in a standing position. Place both dumbbells on the floor. Kick your legs back into a plank. Hop your feet back in. Stand up (still holding the dumbbells) and hop. Repeat.
Repeat both drills back to back two more times through without stopping.
Return to treadmill and repeat above.
Perform 20 slow bicycles followed by 20 scissors, continue back and forth between the two for a total of three sets. Scissors: Lying on your back bring one leg straight up and the other leg parallel to the floor. Switch legs (scissoring) touching your hands together behind the knee. Count every single switch as one. Repeat the sequence two more times.
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