Wednesday, July 13, 2011

W.O.W. July 13th, 2011

Workout of the week:

This is a basic strength workout for the weight room.

Warm up well before beginning the workout because you will be lifting heavy. Choose a weight that you struggle with by the 6th repetition. If you really want to go for it you should find a spotter or lift with someone else.

Bench press 4X6-8

10 squat thrusts
(no push up)
10 burpee
(same as to the right)

Pull ups 4 sets to failure

25 donkey kicks

Squats 4 sets of 6-8 reps

20 frog hops

20 tuck jumps

1 minute of sit ups, rest and repeat for 1 min, rest and repeat one more time.
