As the title of this post says I am a week behind so the Emerald Cup is out. I might be able to catch up but it's too much of a risk, especially for a show that big. Also deadline to register is tomorrow and I don't want to lose my 100 bucks.
If I lose weight any faster I will sacrifice muscle. That's what I did last time and I swore not to do it again. I am on track again meaning I've got my stress under control. My daughter has been released to return to gymnastics so her recovery is moving right along. There are a couple shows coming up that I could enter as well. One is the Oregon Ironman on May 18th which is plenty of time. The only trouble is that it is in Lincoln City, Oregon. A beautiful town on the Oregon coast but a 5+ hour drive from Seattle. The next one close to Seattle is June 22nd which is better then next fall but will also be a serious balancing act since it's too soon to relax my competition prep but too far to go hard. Deadline to register for the Oregon Ironman is May 18th so I have a couple of weeks to decide. It may make a good little family vacation.
The other thing is I have a photo session coming up on May 24th. I need new physique shots for my website and marketing purposes. The Oregon Ironman would be perfectly timed for that but again, it's quite a drive just to compete.
So I'll continue as if I am going to do the Ironman because of the photo shoot. I still have time to think about what I am going to do as far as actually competing.
Here's my nutrition count for one day. This is a lower calorie day for me. I usually hover around 1,500.
6 ounces tuna
Lite mayo
Red bell pepper
8 ounces ground beef
Mixed greens
.5 red bell pepper
Oil and vinegar
.5 cups almonds