In order to fatten cattle quickly they are fed a diet high in refined, simple carbohydrates made up primarily of corn and grain bi-products. They are also kept in a pen to inhibit movement. That pretty much describes the majority of Americans.

You guys need to eat more friggin' protein if you want to get lean. Low fat, high carb diets don't work well. I'm not suggesting you should adhere to the Atkins Diet. I am suggesting that you plan meals around a solid source of protein. You'll get the carbohydrates you need, trust me. Also, don't worry so much about the fat. Notice that they don't feed the cattle a high fat diet in order to fatten them up. Don't drown yourself in fat but use it to cook and flavor foods. I also tell my clients to get rid of foods that aren't supposed to be non-fat. Those foods have all sorts of other crap in them to make them taste good.
Our bodie

So here it is again: Lower your simple carbohydrate intake, increase your protein intake and move your body. That's the magic formula. And it's not very magic.
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