This is another workout designed for minimal space and minimal equipment just in case your house bound due to weather.
Warm up by jogging in place 1 minute, perform 25 jacks, 15 push ups and 15 sit ups and repeat cycle two more times.
Perform the following exercises from top to bottom, pause and then repeat for a total of 4X through.
20 burpees
20 windmill push ups
Perform a push up and then rotate to one side into a side plank (see below).
20 squat thrusts
20 plank row- can use a weight of just pull elbow back.
20 tuck squat thrusts
Perform a squat thrust and then when you hop up out of it perform a tuck jump.
20 renegade push ups
20 full burpees
Perform a regular burpee but instead of a push up lie all the way down on the floor before pushing up and hopping in.
20 travel push ups - 5 to the right, 5 to the left. Repeat.
Perform a regular push up and then walk hands and feet to the right until you have completed 5 push ups then repeat back to left for 5.
20 pike and drop
You can hop or walk your feet back into the push up.
20 tricep push ups

After 4th round of the above perform 4 sets of 10 jackknife sit ups (start out lying on your back and then pike up and touch your toes). Stretch.

Perform a push up and then rotate to one side into a side plank (see below).

Perform a squat thrust and then when you hop up out of it perform a tuck jump.

Perform a regular burpee but instead of a push up lie all the way down on the floor before pushing up and hopping in.

Perform a regular push up and then walk hands and feet to the right until you have completed 5 push ups then repeat back to left for 5.

You can hop or walk your feet back into the push up.

After 4th round of the above perform 4 sets of 10 jackknife sit ups (start out lying on your back and then pike up and touch your toes). Stretch.