Monday, September 17, 2012

Training Schedule The Past Week

I am now training six days in a row with one day off a week.  Before I began contest prep I was training three days on, one day off.  I also began two-a-days yesterday and will do those three times a week until the end of September and then increase that amount to either five or six days per week depending on how I look.

My training for the past week:

Tuesday, Sept 11th

30 minutes running on the treadmill which included three tabatas.

Bench press 4X8 75lbs
Incline DB crossover flyes 3X15 15's

Hammerstrengh pull downs 4X8 70lbs
Wide machine row 3X15 30lbs

Side bends with 25lb DB 3X10

*Anterior delts still sore form two workouts ago and hamstrings are sore and tight.

Wednesday, Sept 12th

Ran hill repeats outside X10
*Chest is sore from yesterdays workout

Thursday, Sept 13th

Road bike with a couple of intervals thrown in for 30 minutes.

Wide grip upright row 5X8 with Olympic bar only
DB shoulder press 3X8 20's
Lateral raises 3X10 10's
Rear lateral raises 3X10 10's

Abs - on bench bicycle X20 followed immediately by double crunch X15 for three sets

Friday, Sept 14th

Incline bicep curls 4X8 17.5's
E-Z bar curls with close grip 3X15 20lbs

TRX tricep extensions 4X10
Bar tricep push ups 3X10

Ran 4 miles

Jackknifes 4X15

Saturday, Sept 15th

30 minutes on bike easy

BOSU lunges 3X10
On bench leg behind over and back 3X10/s
Hamstrings pelvic lift with heels on bench 4X10/s

Heels hooked under bench for abs - 4X10

*Triceps sore from Friday, biceps slightly sore.

Sunday, Sept 16th

Bench press 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 with 75lbs
Cross over flyes on incline bench 3X15 15's

Pull downs 4X8 82.5lbs
Wide grip hanging row rung 5 on Smith machine

Rode bike for 30 minutes with 10 minutes of intervals thrown in.

In the evening:
Ran 3 miles including intervals

I'm sure your noticed that I had one very light leg day.  My legs are not my problem, my upper body is, especially my shoulders.  As long as they are not sore I will work them as often as I can.  I don't remember the times that I work out because I often throw them in between clients so it varies.  As long as I get a good workout in I am not concerned with when I work out although I never lift at night, I have too many clients so my second cardio session will come in when I get home.

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