Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Count Down To Competition!

 Physique and/or Figure Prep

Week one, day one.  Competition date is November 3rd and prep begins today.  Starting weight is 144.3lbs.  Not sure about my competition weight but I'm guessing around 130lb.  I'll know better in four weeks.

The photo on the left was taken at a 1995 competition, I think it was the Emerald Cup.  I know, the second one is horrible, but it is super hard to take a picture of yourself with an iPhone and I didn't have anyone around to take it for me.  And I really, really wanted to take a photo from today, the first day of prep.

It's been 16 years since my last competition and it's all coming back to me now:). First thing I need to do is make sure there is no wheat, sugar or alcohol in my diet.  The wheat part is pretty easy for me although I am not vigilant about it when I am not competing.  Also I don't really eat any sugar and definitely not on a regular basis.  Alcohol is a little harder.  I don't drink much but do enjoy a glass of wine (or two) a few times a week.

The second thing I need to do is eat 5-6 small meals a day.  This is hard for me and I will need to set a reminder on my phone.  I am used to packing my food for the day but I can forget to eat between clients, especially when I train three or four in a row.  When that happens I must have protein shakes ready to go.  I could use bars too but in about five weeks those will have to be eliminated as well because in most bars there are too many carbs in one shot and the ones that don't have many carbs taste horrible.  Competition prep isn't really about the taste of food, however if you can't choke it down there is usually another option.  I also must keep my calories up, around 2,500 so essentially five, 500 calorie meals per day.  I'll cut those calories to about 2,000 when I get closer to the competition.  And I'm sure everybody knows my diet will be high in protein, low in carbs and medium in fat. 

And the final thing is to make sure I lift heavy.  I want to keep my muscles hard and full.  If you don't use muscle you will lose it and that is especially true when you diet.  If you don't use the muscle your body will give up a little fat and a little muscle.  You'll lose weight but you won't be leaner, just smaller.

The categories for competing have changed since 1996.  The choices now are bodybuilding, physique or figure.  I am not sure where I fall between figure and physique.  I am definitely not muscular enough to compete in bodybuilding.  I wasn't even muscular enough in 1996 but I had no choice.  I didn't win very many shows back then for that reason.  I have looked at figure and physique competitors and I still can't figure out which category I would fall in.  I would prefer physique because it is closer to what I know.  I am going to go to the Ironman competition on October 6th and make an assessment of the competitors at that time then I'll go from there.  If you search on the internet both figure and physique competitors muscularity and leanness are all over the map.  I'll figure that out closer to competition time.

I will post diet and workout information at the very least weekly.  And I will keep posting workouts.  A lot of you have sent me requests for different types of workouts so I will keep writing different routines based on body weight, travel, limited time, strictally weights, etc.  If you do have requests, please let me know.  And, if you have any questions about contest prep or your thinking about competing let me know.  I would love to help you if I can.  Back when I competed it was really hard to find information but now we have many sources.  So many in face that it's hard to weed through them all.  I can try to help you figure out what will work for you.

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