Well I kinda suck. I can't believe it's been three months since I posted.
Below are three short weight workouts. They are just weights, no cardio. I have designed the workouts into a standard three day split. If you wanted to shorten the workouts even more you could split them up and work one body part per day. Try to hit each body part every week. I have listed three excellent abdominal exercises at the bottom and you can choose one to throw into each of the below workouts. I have also included photos of the best exercise for a each body part. Those exercises recruit the most muscle fibers.
Chest and Back
Incline dumbbell chest press 4X8-10
Flat bench dumbbell flys 4X15
Hanging row *best back exercise you can do* 4X10-15
Pulldowns 4X8-10
Biceps and Triceps
EZ bar curls 3X12-15
Incline bicep curls *best bicep exercise you can do* 4X8-10
Tricep rope pulldown 4X10-12
Single side overhead tricep extension *best tricep exercise you can do* 3X8-10/s
Legs and shoulders
Step ups 3X10s
Wide squats *drop to a 90 degree angle or lower* 5X15
Machine shoulder press or dumbbell shoulder press slow count (up 2, down 2) 3X10
Lateral raise with a 30% lean *best shoulder exercise you can do* 5X10
Abdominal exercises
BOSU sit ups 5X10 - this is one of the best ab exercises you can do but it can bother your back which is why I have split it up into sets of only 10 repetitions. Perform exactly as pictured below, do not come up any further then perpendicular to the floor. Back should be centered over the BOSU's bullseye.
Sit ups with legs over bench 3X20
Jackknife 4X15
A blog about fat loss and fitness, written by a mother of four with over 25 years of experience in the fitness industry working as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer and fitness presenter.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Workout Of The Week August 13, 2013
Jeez, it's been forever since I posted. That's what happens when your four kids are home for the summer.
Let's do one more outside workout before we roll into Fall.
As per usual find a park or recreation area that has benches or maybe a short wall. Also kind of map out an area to run/sprint. Photos are shown with weights but I doubt you want to run to the park holding a set of 15 pound dumbbells so bodyweight will work just fine. The whole point of an outdoor workout is to be convenient and free of equipment.
Your warm up can be the run to the park but if you have to drive to the park then once you get there you can do the following to warm up: 25 jacks, 25 squat thrust with NO HOP, 25 air squats, 25 very tiny squat hops, jog in place. You could repeat all that or call it good and move on.
On the wall or bench:
Reverse lunge step knee lift X15 on each side (see below)
Push ups X15 (can put hands on bench or on ground)
Repeat both two more times.
Run ten 50-100 meter sprints, jogging back to the start to recover between each one.
Back to bench:
Crossover step up X15 on each side (see below)
Tricep dips X15
Repeat both two more times.
Repeat sprints
Back to bench:
Side squat knee lift X15 on each side
Seated kick outs for abs X15
(see below for both)
Repeat both two more times.
Repeat sprints
Cool down by jogging home or jogging around the park.
I know you won't but please (please?) try to stretch a little. Especially your hamstrings and lower back. I'd appreciate it.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Workout Of The Week June 24th, 2013
This weeks workout is simple and you need very little equipment.
You will need a couple sets of dumbbells and a stability ball, although you can do it without a ball too.
Warm up with walking lunges, air squats and jumping jacks for about five minutes.
With dumbbells perform 20 of each of the following exercises (plank row will be ten on each side but alternate right and left):
Curl and press
DB squat thrust
Alt plank row
Squat Arnold press
Tricep kickback
On ball:
Chest press
Stretch abs
Repeat two more times through. If you page back through my posts you can find photos for all these exercises. Have fun!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
New Workout Of The Week
June 11th, 2013
Warm up by jogging to the park or you can do jacks and push ups once you get there.

After your warm up go to your bench and perform 20 step ups on each
leg. Next stand on top of the bench and perform glute dips - this is
the exercise where you stand on top the bench and pretend to dip your
toe in the water (the 'water' being the ground). Perform 20 step ups on each
side and then 20 glute dips on each side - thats one set. Then jog around the park or in place for 2-3 minutes. Repeat the
entire sequence four times through.
Staying at the bench, perform 20 push up (with hands on the bench). Turn around and perform 20 dips. Rest and repeat three more times.
Find a patch of grass and perform 20 squat thrusts followed by 30 split jumps (also know and scissor jump) and then 40 flying jacks (also known as power jacks and star jacks). Rest and repeat three more times.
Hands behind your head in for the above exercise.
Lean down and touch the sides of your foot and then hop up.
Return to the bench and stand facing away. Put your hands on your head with your feet very close together. Lower yourself slowly until your butt brushes the top of the bench (try not to sit down) and then hop up for a total of 20. Step away from the bench and put one foot on the bench behind you. Perform 20 dynamic bulgarian squats on each leg - single leg squat reaching down and touching the ground on each side of your foot and then jumping up. Rest and repeat three more times.
See if you can find a straight path or walk out on to the side walk. Pick two landmarks and sprint as fast as you can from one to the other and then jog back. Repeat for a total of ten times.
Return to the bench. Sit down and perform kick outs for abs - four sets of 20. A kick out is when you take your feet off the ground and pull both knees in to your chest. Then you kick both legs out as you lean back slightly, feet do not return to the ground until you have completed all the repetitions. Hands are on the bench behind you for support.
Stretch and go home.......or go home and stretch. Either way.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Workout Of The Week
I haven't posted a workout in a long time and I have had a couple requests so here we go:
You will need a treadmill, or you can run outside, and a couple sets of dumbbells.
Warm up
Squat with Arnold shoulder press - bring elbows down to your knees with dumbbells facing you. As you stand up rotate the dumbbells away from you. Repeat for 4 sets of 15
Run for 5 mins at an uncomfortable pace - also know as race pace or threshold. It should feel like an 8
on a scale of 1-10. Not full out but close. This is the hardest intensity to find so it may take a few times to figure out your pace. As long as it feels hard, but not completely breathless, your where you need to be. If your running outside you can easily mark off a distance that will take around 5 minutes to run.
Skier - hold the dumbbells by your side swing them up towards your shoulders and hop as you do that. Then swing the arms back. Essentially you are doing a bicep curl the a tricep extension but you are swinging up and back. Think of a cross country skier using their poles. Repeat for 4 sets of 15
Repeat 5 minute run.
Hip hinge with upright row - stand on one leg and perform a single leg deadlift. As you come up bring your knee up and perform an upright row. Try not to set the foot down as you lean forward and then lift the knee. Repeat for 4 sets of 10 reps on each side.
Repeat 5 minute run.
Push ups - 4 sets of 15-20
Repeat 5 minute run.
Full sit ups with a twist at the top - at the top of the sit up take the elbow across to the opposite knee. 4 sets of 20 total (10 twists to each side alternating).

Easy jog for 5-10 minutes.
You will need a treadmill, or you can run outside, and a couple sets of dumbbells.
Warm up
Squat with Arnold shoulder press - bring elbows down to your knees with dumbbells facing you. As you stand up rotate the dumbbells away from you. Repeat for 4 sets of 15
The above should be done standing (of course, because you have to squat first). Elbows to your knees when you squat and as you come up perform the above shoulder press with rotation.
Run for 5 mins at an uncomfortable pace - also know as race pace or threshold. It should feel like an 8
on a scale of 1-10. Not full out but close. This is the hardest intensity to find so it may take a few times to figure out your pace. As long as it feels hard, but not completely breathless, your where you need to be. If your running outside you can easily mark off a distance that will take around 5 minutes to run.
Skier - hold the dumbbells by your side swing them up towards your shoulders and hop as you do that. Then swing the arms back. Essentially you are doing a bicep curl the a tricep extension but you are swinging up and back. Think of a cross country skier using their poles. Repeat for 4 sets of 15
Part A of Skier
Part B of Skier
Repeat 5 minute run.
Hip hinge with upright row - stand on one leg and perform a single leg deadlift. As you come up bring your knee up and perform an upright row. Try not to set the foot down as you lean forward and then lift the knee. Repeat for 4 sets of 10 reps on each side.
Part A of hip hinge upright row
Part B
Repeat 5 minute run.
Push ups - 4 sets of 15-20
Repeat 5 minute run.
Full sit ups with a twist at the top - at the top of the sit up take the elbow across to the opposite knee. 4 sets of 20 total (10 twists to each side alternating).

Easy jog for 5-10 minutes.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Knowlege is power...
Oh my god. This time around is SO much harder then the last time. New competition date is June 22nd and it is going slowly. Ounce by ounce and a lot more tired. Not sure what's going on but it's been super frustrating. I bought an Escali Scale that measures weight, fat and body water. Bio-impedance measuring is just one of the many ways to test body fat and there is a margin for error of 2% either side of the reading but you can do it at home and the cost is very low compared to other methods. You should use it at the same time every day, which your probably already doing if you are monitoring your weight (obviously essential when prepping for a contest). It measures hydration as well so if you use it every morning your hydration would pretty much be the same every day. Testing in the evening would be a little tougher because hydration levels are more likely to change on a regular basis. Really the main reason to use a scale with bio-impedance capabilities is that it gives you another way to monitor and, as the title of this post says, knowledge is power. The more you know the better you can plan your competition prep.
The other thing I bought is an Orbi Tape. It is a measuring tape that lets you measure yourself. I don't know why but I think this is the coolest thing ever. It makes it so you don't have to fumble to get a good reading on your own body. Ready more about it at the link above. It's super cheap too.
People ask me about supplements all the time too. I use straight forward whey protein that mixes easily. I do not like to spend a lot of money on anything so I don't want all the wonder stuff that some companies add. It should have a high protein/low carb count per serving. I also take calcium, vitamin D, fish oil, flax seed capsules and a muti vitamin but I have to confess that I am not very good about taking them every day.
Simple rules to follow whether your preparing for a competition or not. Protein, veggies and monitor, monitor, monitor in every way you can - weight, body fat and measuring.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
One Week Behind
As the title of this post says I am a week behind so the Emerald Cup is out. I might be able to catch up but it's too much of a risk, especially for a show that big. Also deadline to register is tomorrow and I don't want to lose my 100 bucks.
If I lose weight any faster I will sacrifice muscle. That's what I did last time and I swore not to do it again. I am on track again meaning I've got my stress under control. My daughter has been released to return to gymnastics so her recovery is moving right along. There are a couple shows coming up that I could enter as well. One is the Oregon Ironman on May 18th which is plenty of time. The only trouble is that it is in Lincoln City, Oregon. A beautiful town on the Oregon coast but a 5+ hour drive from Seattle. The next one close to Seattle is June 22nd which is better then next fall but will also be a serious balancing act since it's too soon to relax my competition prep but too far to go hard. Deadline to register for the Oregon Ironman is May 18th so I have a couple of weeks to decide. It may make a good little family vacation.
The other thing is I have a photo session coming up on May 24th. I need new physique shots for my website and marketing purposes. The Oregon Ironman would be perfectly timed for that but again, it's quite a drive just to compete.
So I'll continue as if I am going to do the Ironman because of the photo shoot. I still have time to think about what I am going to do as far as actually competing.
Here's my nutrition count for one day. This is a lower calorie day for me. I usually hover around 1,500.
6 ounces tuna
Lite mayo
Red bell pepper
8 ounces ground beef
Mixed greens
.5 red bell pepper
Oil and vinegar
.5 cups almonds
Saturday, April 6, 2013
High Protein/High Fat
1.5 scoops whey protein
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1.5 cans of tuna mixed with 2 tablespoons mayo
Large green salad with 2 tablespoons oil and vinegar dressing*
.5 cups nuts
8 ounces of steak
7-8 brussel sprouts* tossed in olive oil and roasted
8 ounces chicken (either white or dark)
.5 cups nuts
1 cup stir fried cabbage*
8 ounces grilled fish
Large green salad with 2 tablespoons oil and vinegar dressing*
.5 cups nuts
* you can eat as much green veggies as you want.
Again, the best way to find out what works for you is to experiment. Don't be afraid of eating more fat. Fat doesn't make you fat, sugar and refined carbohydrates do. They fatten cows quickly by feeding them high glucose foods, not by feeding them fat.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
So much better now...
After switching back to low carb I am where I want to be in this next round of competition prep. I will be honest, if I feel I am not ready to compete in five weeks then I won't. The Emerald Cup is the biggest competition in the northwest and I want to represent on stage. If I don't look better then last time then I won't do it.
Here's my current typical day of eating:
1 cup of cantaloupe
1 scoop of whey protein
1 can of tuna mixed with 2 tablespoons of light mayo
1 red bell pepper
Oh Yeah protein drink (I love these!)
6 ounces of pork or chicken
1 cup stir fried veggies (mostly cabbage)
6 ounces steak
Mixed salad greens with oil and vinegar dressing
This is a lower calorie day for me. I range between 1,500-1,800 on a regular basis. The protein is high, I know. I just work better that way. You may work better with more carbs. I have been occasionally eating a little brown rice and I stir fry my veggies in oil. When I crave a little something extra I eat an Adkins bar. They are calculated by net carbs (total carbs - fiber - sugar alcohols, all which don't impact blood sugar) although it worries me because I never count impact carbs, I count ALL the carbs.
Still lifting heavy. Some programs want you to change to lighter weights and higher reps for the last four weeks but I don't think I'll do that. I need the shoulder mass, which isn't very much now and counts for a lot when competing.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Back To Low Carb
So the higher carb diet was not working. I switched back to low carb and lost 3 lbs. It's not really about weight loss, it's about fat loss, but weight loss is a good indicator that you are going in the right direction. The higher carb diet was definitely not a high carb diet. It was around 70-100 grams of carbs a day but my body just does not work well with even that amount. I need to diet on 50 grams or less. Competition prep is tough, especially the first time out. I made a lot of mistakes my first round of competition prep 20 years ago. You have to be willing to experiment to see what works.

Here's a look at the diet I was doing a couple of weeks ago:
1/3 cup oatmeal
1 scoop whey protein
3 ounces chicken breast
1 cup cantaloupe
3 ounces chicken breast
1/2 cup brown rice
3 ounces steak
2 cups lettuce with 2 tablespoon oil and vinegar dressing
1/2 red bell pepper
3 ounces steak
1/2 cup sweet potatoes
3 ounces chicken breast
2 cups sauteed kale
3 ounces steak
2 cups lettuce with 2 tablespoons oil and vinegar dressing
1/2 red bell pepper
Basically eating every two hours, which is very hard to do.
What I am eating now:
1/3 cup oatmeal
1 scoop whey protein
6 ounces steak

2 cups lettuce with 2 tablespoons oil and vinegar dressing
1/2 red bell pepper
1 small can albacore tuna
2 tablespoons light mayo
1/2 red bell pepper
6 ounces steak
2 cups chard
I shoot for 175-200 grams of protein a day, 50 or less of carbs and I don't count fat grams. Again, you have to find out what works for you. You may be just fine with a higher carb diet but over the years I have found that the majority of women have a hard time losing weight unless they cut the amount of carbs that they eat.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Contest Prep- New Plan
I am now solidly into contest prep/round 2.2. I am doing a slightly different route this time. Instead of just keeping my carbohydrates low I am also eating 6-7 meals a day. Those meals consist of 3-4 ounces of protein plus either a carb or vegies. The first three meals of the day are protein/carb and the last four are protein/vegie. My carb choices are 1/2 cup of brown rice, 1/3 cup of oatmeal or 3 ounces sweet potato. Veggies are pretty much anything that is green and are essentially unlimited. It has been going very well.
My pre-competition training routine is different this time around as well. I have returned to my old bodybuilding ways (just like with the diet) and am doing a four day split. Biceps/triceps, chest/shoulders, back/hamstrings, shoulders/quads (abs every workout). Same exercises for each workout making sure I increase the weight (or at least attempt to increase the weight) every other workout. For example for chest I am doing bench press 3X10, one arm incline DB chest press 3X10 and flat bench flyes 3X10. Every third time I do that workout I add weight to the bar and/or pick up heavier dumbbells. I am also changing my cardio. 5 days a week of lower end cardio 30-45mins. That is SO old school bodybuilder but it works as long as you lift heavy. Oh, and no 2-a-days. At my first gym there were three pieces of cardio equipment - one bike, one treadmill and one elliptical. That gym was in a basement with no windows. We had a couple of cable machines, a couple squat racks, benches, etc and a ton of weights. It was a great place. You don't need anything fancy to get the job done.
Now I am going to go prep my food for the next few days. I have purchased a lot of little food storage containers so that I can divide everything up and just grab it and go. Seven meals a day, two containers per meal means I have to stack up 14 containers. My frig looks ridiculous.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Sometimes You Do Need To Quit
Ellie was at home bed-ridden for ten days after the accident before she had surgery to repair her patella. She was home for another week after the surgery. She has only been attending school half days up to this point but she is going back full time as of tomorrow. She is finally able to get around without too much trouble although her knee aches by the end of the day, especially on her sport's therapy days.
So I have picked a competition in May because now that all of those fires have essentially been put out and I need to change my focus back to something that I want to do, which is compete again. The competition is only nine weeks away but I am ready to go again and I don't want to wait until the next one which is in July.
I am going back to my old-school roots. I am going to follow a very traditional weight lifting program. What that means is I am going to choose three or four exercises per body part and stay with those exercises for the next two months and I will try to increase the weight every other workout so that I lift to failure. It will be important for me to have a spotter for a few of my training sessions because I will want to really push to failure and that is pretty much impossible to do without a spotter on exercises like the bench press.
As for my diet the plan is pretty much the same as before except that I am going to be militant about eating every two hours throughout the day. I am also going to add sweet potatoes back into my diet.
So that's the plan....let's hope we are done with all the drama for a while:)
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Regroup and Go!
It's been two months since competition #1. This week marks week one of the second round. My competition is March 30th so I have given myself four extra weeks. This whole first week is about eliminating my nightly glass of wine and clearing out any starchy carbs that have snuck into my diet over the holidays. The nightly wine is pretty much just a habit so after a few days I don't really think about it anymore.
So the plan this time around? Take it a little slower at the end. I will start out the same way because that worked just fine but I will have more time to tweak the second half of the prep. I freaked out a little on the last one because I didn't think I was going to lose the weight. I stopped weighing myself about three weeks out because it was messing with me psychologically. This time I'm staying on it. Obviously I'm good at losing weight. The problem was that I lost fat and muscle so I didn't look as lean as I would have liked, just smaller. If you read my blogs about my last round of competition prep you'll remember that I have a problem with water retention so it is freaky to me to eat too many carbs. I am going to add sweet potatoes into my diet as of now and monitor my bodies reaction. Higher fat, low carb and tons of protein has been what's worked for me in the past. I'll stick with that but try something a little different.
And as for training? Once again my shoulders lagged. I need to be more cut in my upper arm area. I am have been doing, and will continue to do, heavy shoulder work but this time around I am planning on training shoulders more often. Basically every other day or as soon as they aren't sore anymore from the previous workout. It's a bummer because I can't get my shoulders sore very often so it doesn't feel like I am working them hard enough. I just read an article that training a muscle group more often will not decrease strength or size which means that you can deter from the standard once a week split (for example, chest and back, bis, tris and delts and legs). Of course if you Google it the what comes up most often is that to build mass you have to train less and train harder. We'll see if training more often works for me.
And finally, I need to work on my posing. I was nervous during figure because I was rushed out on stage. During physique I was fine. I'm sticking to figure this time because I still don't think I can get big enough to compete in that category. It seems like they are looking for a more muscular physique then I expected. I have the video from the show but haven't watched it yet. I'm sure I'll learn a lot when I do watch it so I'm going to get on it:)
I will post my workouts and diet over the next 12 weeks so check back!
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