Friday, October 26, 2012

One Week To Go

The de-carb/re-carb went pretty well but I'm not sure the carbing up really did anything.  I may not have eaten enough carbs but I'd rather look smaller then have any water retention at all. Honestly I only ate about 70 grams of carbs because I was afraid of that.

All in all posing practice went well.  We tweaked a couple of things and I practiced my 'presentation walk' for the figure division.  That's going to be weird for me since I haven't competed in anything like figure before.  Physique is so close to bodybuilding that I feel a lot more comfortable with the mandatory poses and the one minute posing routine.

This week is hardcore and I am very tired...but it's only one more week.  I will work out every day straight through until next Friday.  Normally I would take Sunday or Monday off but this is my last push and Friday is a rest day before the competition on Saturday.  Workouts aren't nearly as intense because I just don't have the energy but I am pushing through as best I can.

Here are my workouts for the past four days:

October 22, 2012 Monday

Ran around golf course twice

Rode bike for 20 minutes

Arnold presses 5X8 15's

Rear lateral raise 3X10/s 10's

Lateral raise 3X10 10's

Slow scissor twist 5X20

October 23, 2012 Tuesday 

Circuit at home:

Ran 1/4 mile

Shoulder press X10/Lateral raise X10/Rear lateral raise X10 in a row then repeat other side.

Repeat both of the above for a total of 5 rounds.
Tabatas on the treadmill 30 minutes

Incline DB press 5X8 30's

Incline DB flyes 3X15 15's

One arm DB row 5X8/s 30lbs

Pulldowns 3X15 50's

Small stability ball crunches 5X15

 October 24, 2012 Wednesday

Ran sprints at soccer field

TRX triceps 5X10

Single arm cable tricep cable pull down 3X15/s 10lbs

Incline bicep curl 5X8 15's

EZ bar curl 3X15 20lbs

Legs over bench abs 5X20

October 25, 2012 Thursday

Walked up and down Stellar hill(very steep) for 30 mins 
Ran for 30 mins with a couple sprints thrown in at soccer field

Stiff leg walking lunges 3 sets at field

Single leg deadlift 3X10/s 40lbs

Sumo squat 3X15 30lb DB
Reverse curls on bench 5X15 
October 26, 2012 Friday

Rode bike for 30 minutes

4 sets of the below:
Kettlebell single side upright row X8/suitcase lift X8 w/26lb KB back to back 
own each side

Rear lateral raise with 10lb KB 3X8-10/s

DB shoulder press 3X8 25's
*very hard today, feel very weak

Stability ball crunches with feet on the wall 3X15

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